Eric O'Neal
January, CPA
Merrillville Clerk-Treasurer
Eric is someone that you can trust. He has been faithful with a few things and millions. He has had access to, accounted for, and managed millions of OPM on a regular basis for nearly three decades with the highest degree of integrity.
My Priniciples
Principle One – I’m working for all of Merrillville- the residents, property and business owners and not the government or Town Council of Merrillville.
Principle Two – I promise to follow the Golden Rule, to treat everyone as I would like to be treated.
Principle Three –I promise to do Whatever It Takes within my powers to make Merrillville a magnet for those seeking the most out of life, a fertile business environment, a just government and tax efficient government. FYI, Whatever It Takes is the theme that I suggested to our coach going into my senior year as an incoming captain of the soon-to-be-crowned Sam Houston State Conference Champion football team.
Let’s Win Merrillville.
Vote me in on May 2, 2023!

Eric O. January for Merrillville Clerk-Treasurer

Meet Eric
News & Updates

Merrillville Candidates Hold Public Forum
Merrillville Candidates Eric O. January and Chandra Flowers Hold Public Forum at ROCKaBLOCK Eric O. January, who’s running for Clerk Treasure of Merrillville, Indiana, and